Monday, April 29, 2013

Nature Wonders - Best Food for Abs


Who knew? All the things you thought you were doing right, you MAY be doing wrong to get rid of belly fat. Check out this amazing poster, maybe you need to work smarter, not harder, and eat better, not less!

I thought this was a really cool poster, I hope you like it too. I love learning about different foods and how they react in my body. Remember with these foods, the less processing the better, and try something new, you may be pleasantly surprised!

Now that you learn about burning Belly Fats, the next stage would be learning about Foods best for a FLAT ABS.


1. Almonds
These extra-lean nuts are packed with filling fiber, protein and powerful antioxidant, vitamin E, all of which your body needs to produce energy, build and maintain muscle tissue, and regulate blood sugar, also to prevent cravings that eventually may lead to overeating. But this is just the beginning of almonds benefits, they also block calories, and, because of the composition of their cells, they help reduce the absorption of all of their fat.

2. Eggs 
Eggs are one of the better sources of protein and amino acids, which balance your body levels, therefore you feel less hungry throughout the day, because of their protein and fat. Begin your day with a couple in a delicious omelet.

3. Soy 
Soybeans are the perfect option for almost any meal thanks to their incredible versatility, and they are also packed with antioxidants, fiber and protein.

4. Apples 
A large apple has five grams of fiber, but it’s also nearly 85 percent water, which helps you feel full, they also contain quercetin, a compound shown to help fight certain cancers, reduce cholesterol damage, and promote healthy lungs, have you ever notice apples appear in almost every healthy list? That’s got to mean something!

5. Berries 
Berries are known for being nature’s powerful antioxidant, which help you get more results from your workout by improving the blood flow, but they are also loaded with fiber, which traps food particles and shuttles them out of your system before they’re fully digested.

6. Leafy greens
They are so low in calories that you’ll burn more calories eating them than what they provide, and they are also loaded with filling fiber and calcium, an essential ingredient for muscle contraction. In other words, they help fuel your workouts.

7. Yogurt 
Yogurts with probiotics help you keep a healthy digestive system, which translates into a lower incidence of gas, bloating, and constipation, therefore a beautiful flat tummy.

8. Veggie soup
It has been shown that you can eat a snack with the same amount of calories as a broth-based soup and you will lose more weight with the soup¸ and it’s a simple way to get your vegetables!

9. Salmon 
Seafood is an excellent (maybe the best) source of healthy omega-3 fatty acids, which promote fat burning by making your metabolism more efficient and may daily improve the glucose-insulin response, so in other words, you can see Seafood as an excellent source of abs-friendly protein.

10. Quinoa
Quinoa is a super-food that consists of a nutty flavor and crunchy-yet-chewy texture, and it is packed with fiber and protein.

Now that you have learnt about

1] Causes of Belly Fats
2] Burning Belly Fats
3] Recommend Food to burn Belly Fats

We go deeper into understanding ... How to Rid of Belly Fats
It is very important for you to commit to the process, that belly fat has, in most cases, been accumulating for a while, it won’t disappear magically overnight, you will have to work hard and remember that once you have all three components in place, the first changes may appear in your legs, arms, or butt. Do not despair, and don’t give up, the belly fat will burn off!

Remember to drink at least 64 ounces (8 glasses) of water daily and eat as clean as possible, Reduce high fat and high sugar foods like soda, candy and chips.

12 Best Food for ABS


There is actually a way you can weight loss while eating; you just have to choose the correct super-foods that help you shed those extra pounds!
1. Pears= One pear packs 15% of your daily recommended amount, they help you feel full and keep you from overeating. Eat one pear instead of any snack or before a meal, and you’ll eat fewer calories through the day guaranteed.
2. Almonds= one handful of almonds a day will help you zap the fat out from your body.
3. Chocolate= ok, don’t get too excited and buy a huge chocolate bar, dark pure chocolate is packed with antioxidants that prevent the accumulation of fat cells in the body.
4. Grapefruit= Grapefruits have a compound that helps regulate insulin, a fat-storage hormone, that helps you lose weight, you don’t even have to change your diet, just eat half of this delicious fruit before every meal and you’ll see the results faster than you think.
5. Navy beans= Fill your plate with these resistant starch-rich food, a powerful fat burner.

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