Monday, May 13, 2013

Nature Wonders - Coconut

Did you know that coconut water was used during WWII when blood plasma was low, as a blood substitute? Maybe that’s because its one of the most valuable super-foods on earth! Delicious coconut water is so rich, so nurturing, so valuable in regards to minerals, vitamins, electrolytes and alkalizing your system, aids with digestion, helps with diabetes, lowers blood sugar level and is also known for its antibacterial and antifungal qualities. So, yes, these tropical “cocos” are an amazing fruit, and you don’t have to live in Costa Rica to buy yourself fresh coconut water, you can find it in almost every grocery store.
Coconut water is one of the most amazing beverages in the world for hydration. It’s compatible with our biological system and even in some remote areas of the world, it’s been used for intravenous hydration and resuscitation of critically dehydrated patients!
Interestingly, some studies have shown that coconut sugar is useful for lowering the blood pressure, as well as bad cholesterol in the blood.

Arthritis:  The antioxidant selenium found in coconut milk is known to help relieve the symptoms of arthritis by knocking out free radicals and helping to prevent joint inflammation.

Bone health:  Coconut milk contains calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium which all help in building and maintaining strong healthy bones and also help to naturally prevent osteoporosis.

Weight loss:  Plant based saturated fats found in coconut milk and pulp can actually help you lose weight naturally due to the fact that they make you feel full for longer.

Skin health:  Applying coconut milk topically hydrates and invigorates skin, repairing damage and naturally removing wrinkles.  The natural fats help to lock in moisture as well, compensating for environmental stressors and overexposure to chemicals and sunlight.

Heart health:  The saturated fats found in the milk of coconuts can help protect against heart disease by killing major types of bacteria which cause plaque buildup in blood vessels.  People who live on a diet high in coconut and coconut milk tend to have far lower rates of heart disease than those who don't.

Relaxation:  Loaded with magnesium, which helps to relax muscles by calming nerve cells and preventing excess muscle contractions.  Some people claim to sleep better when they consume significant amounts of food containing magnesium.

As you may have noticed, I always emphasis on the beneficial effects of “good” nutrition on our health. It’s so interesting that we already have some simple solutions for many devastating diseases and we still pay tons of money for chemical drugs that may not be as effective as natural remedies. The reason? There is not enough education and studies on natural treatments. Why?

You know the answer!


I found another natural cough syrup/ sore throat remedy! Not everything works for everyone, so I think it’s best to have a few options to try, also, with more options chances are better that you will have ingredients for one of them on hand! The last thing a sick person needs to be doing is running out to the store infecting everyone on the way. Enjoy!

Prepare a mixture of coconut oil and sugar (and honey is optional) and rub it over your skin! After 15-30 minutes rinse it off and see how soft and refreshed your skin becomes.

Another toothpaste alternative, Coconut oil and baking soda, what could be easier? The mint drops make a big difference if you don’t like the taste of baking soda.

This is a great quick-look poster with a few of the many things you can do with that coconut oil you bought that’s just sitting around. It is not appropriate for high-heat cooking, other than that, at my house we use it for everything. Oil pulling, teeth brushing, hair frizz, baking, sauteing, nail fungus, dandruff, hand moisturizer, bug bites… this stuff is amazing! I don’t know what I ever did without it! You can mix a few drops of essential oil for scented moisturizer or flavored mouth cleaner, personal preference. 

Watch this video and you’d be amazed by how effective coconut oil is on the cure of Alzheimer’s disease.

It’s also interesting to know that coconut oil is not bad for your cholesterol. Coconut oil increases HDL (the good cholesterol) and lessens LDL (the bad cholesterol).

Also note that coconut oil can be effective on some other chronic diseases such as Parkinson, autism, dementia, epilepsy, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and schizophrenia.

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